NCCF awards mini-grants for school projects

The Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation is proud to announce the recipients of its Service Learning Mini-Grants for the 2023-24 academic year.
Service learning integrates community service with traditional instruction, enhancing students’ educational experiences while fostering civic responsibility. To date, NCCF has awarded nearly $63,000 to nine area schools, supporting 136 service learning projects.
Projects funded for 2023-24:
¯ Giving is “Key” — Cassadaga Valley Central School: Students will create cards and signs with positive messages to promote mental health awareness and understanding. Students will also learn techniques to cope with stress, lonliness, and confrontations.
¯ Breakfast and Care Packages for Vets – Brocton Central School: Members of the National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society will prepare breakfast for veterans at the John W. Dill American Legion while presenting care packages to express gratitude.
¯ Operation Prepare – Erie 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES LoGuidice Center: Students will collect information from parents to create Child ID kits for community events and elementary schools.
¯ Community Policing – Erie 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES LoGuidice Center: Students will establish a clothing and hygiene supply distribution center to serve 18 school districts in Chautauqua County. Students will be responsible for maintaining inventory and fulfilling requests.
¯ Community Art Night – Fredonia Central School: National Art Society and Art Club students will design an engaging paint project for community participation, enriching artistic expression.
The Service Learning Mini-Grants Program is supported in part by an annual Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser. This year’s fundraiser, featuring a basket raffle, is scheduled for Sunday, October 22. To purchase tickets for the breakfast or contribute items for the raffle, please contact NCCF at 716-366-4892 or email Community Engagement Coordinator Leslie Wille at
NCCF celebrates the continued success of the Service Learning Mini-Grants Program and invites middle and high school teachers in northern Chautauqua school districts to participate. Grant applications are accepted annually through March 31 for the upcoming school year. For more information, please visit
Since its incorporation in 1986, the NCCF has invested more than $20 million in northern Chautauqua County through strategic grantmaking, targeted scholarships, and leadership and community collaborations. The NCCF is a tax-exempt charitable organization inherently committed to enhancing the northern Chautauqua community and encouraging local philanthropy. As a nationally accredited community foundation, the NCCF has proven compliance with the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations, demonstrating integrity, equity, accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in meeting the needs of its community. For more information on the NCCF, visit or call 716-366-4892.